JAT Action Alerts

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This page contains links to a small subset of the JAT alerts that have been sent out. The ones posted here have on-going relevance, and visitors are encouraged to carry out the actions even if the date of the original posting has long passed.

24 Nov 2004: Joseph Lerner of IMRA reported on a so-called "School for Peace" in Israel that is supported by The New Israel Fund and promotes anti-Israel sentiments.
05 Nov 2004: The Palestine Solidarity Movement, which functions as the student arm of the International Solidarity Movement, held its 2004 national conference at Duke University. At that conference they decided to hold the 2005 conference at the University of Wisconsin. Letters should be sent to the University alerting them to the fact that the PSM is an endorser of terrorism and a promoter of anti-Semitism. Sign the petition urging the University not to provide space to such an organization.
26 Sep 2004: The Anglican Peace and Justice Network, a stridently anti-Israel group, is an official arm of the worldwide Anglican Church, of which the Episcopal Church is the American branch. On September 22, 2004, the Anglican Peace and Justice Network, declaring that "collective punishment of the Palestinian people must be brought to an end," demanded instead the collective punishment of the Israeli people by means of a worldwide business boycott of Israel. We have launched a petition to protest the proposed economic warfare against Israel.
31 Aug 2004: This JAT information message contains an important and insightful talk on Islamic terrorism and the problems in the Middle East. It was presented by a very well known personality in science, science teaching, and science management. It notes that Islamic terrorism is a global threat that is equivalent to a World War, though many, especially in Europe, have not yet recognized the fact.
24 Aug 2004: This JAT message supports a campaign initiated by Presbyterians to demand that their leaders call a Special Assembly to rescind the anti-Israel resolution to divest from Israel that was adopted at their recent General Assembly.
27 Jul 2004: The leadership of the Presbyterian Church USA at its most recent General Assembly passed a resolution calling for divestiture from Israel. We call on JAT members to protest this action with church officials and in the media.
23 Jul 2004: The Palestine Solidarity Movement, the American, student arm of the International Solidarity Movement, has announced that its next National Conference will be held at Duke University. Urge Duke to refuse to host this group, which endorses terrorism, suicide bombing, and violence as a means of resolving political questions.
18 May 2004: Write to the president of the University of California Berkeley expressing your outrage that they continue to employ a faculty member who calls for an intifada in the United States.
12 May 2004: Write to officials at Columbia University protesting the preaching of anti-Semitic hatred and terrorism by Columbia professor Joseph Massad.
30 Apr 2004: Protest to the Knight Foundation and the Hewlett Foundation regarding their indirect funding of Hezbollah through their financial support of Mosaics on Link TV and its rebroadcasting of Hezbollah's Al Manar TV.
16 Dec 2003:    Urge Withholding Funds From PA
11 Dec 2003: Tell Congress to Oppose Geneva Accord
11 Dec 2003: Protest to President of Combined Jewish Philanthorpies Over Efforts by Its Board Chairman to Undermine the Elected Government of Israel Through Participation in the "Geneva" Conference
09 Dec 2003: Protest to The Jewish Advocate About Two Jewish Community Leaders Working to Undermine the Elected Government of Israel Through Participation in the "Geneva" Conference and Via Their Front-page Op-ed
18 Nov 2003: Protest Support of Terrorism at Christ Church Episcopal in Cambridge, MA
04 Nov 2003: Urge Support for Congressional Resolution Recognizing the 900,000 Jewish Refugees Expelled From Arab Lands
21 Sep 2003: Petition to Make Homicide Bombing a War Crime
17 Sep 2003: Protest Holding Palestinian Solidarity Movement National Conference at Ohio State University

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