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Here is a collection of links to other organizations working in the defense of Israel and to sources of accurate information about Israel.
The David Project is a grassroots initiative that promotes a fair and honest understanding of the Middle East conflict.The David Project was launched in August, 2002, in Boston, MA, in response to the growing ideological assault on Israel. It trains people to be pro-active in their Israel advocacy -- to counter the unfair and dishonest discourse in our universities, media, and communities.
StandWithUs is JAT's sister organization in California. It is a grassroots organization encompassing all branches of Judaism, Jewish organizations, and friends of the Jewish people. We are not part of any religious or political organization, and we will not attempt to influence Israel's government policies. It is our goal to educate at all levels, balance the media, help expose militant Islamic groups and leadership, expose the Palestinian-Arabic apparatus of hate and violence, improve public relations for Israel, perfect our Christian-Jewish-moderate Muslim alliance, and promote key charities that directly affect these efforts. StandWithUs will stand in support of any bill that inhibits or interferes with terrorism.
AMCHA—The Coalition for Jewish Concerns
"Amcha—The Coalition for Jewish Concerns" is an independent grassroots Jewish organization dedicated to raising a voice of conscience on behalf of endangered Jews. This worldwide effort includes countering anti-Semitism, advocating for Israel, preserving Holocaust memory, and other pro-Jewish activism. Amcha's diverse activities are inspired by the principle of Ahavat Yisrael, love of all Jews. Amcha, or "Grassroots" in Hebrew, was founded in 1992 by Rabbi Avi Weiss to promote a compassionate, inclusive, and proactive Jewish community.
MEI aims to advance democracy, pluralism and mutual respect in the Middle East. MEI is a NGO which is not affiliated with any branch or agency of any government nor any political party. MEI is funded by private persons only. The MEI researchers and managers include volunteers from Europe, America, South-Africa and Middle Eastern countries. What brings us together is our mutual concern about the Arab and Iranian dictators who oppress their fellow subjects, sponsor about half of the world's major terror groups and imperil the Middle East's sole democracy. MEI believes that 360 million oppressed people in Arab states and Iran are entitled to freedom and prosperity enjoyed by Europeans, Americans and Israelis.
The Jewish Virtual Library is your source for information about Jewish history, Israel, US-Israel relations, the Holocaust, anti-Semitism, and Judaism. This is not just a historical archive; it is also the place to find talking points on breaking news. The Jewish Virtual Library provides the basic information you need to be informed, whether it is to satisfy your own interest or to prepare for a research paper, speech, article or debate. We have purposely kept most of the entries brief to make them more digestible. Some will provide all the information you need, others should be viewed as a starting point. Our bibliography and bibliography of web sites will be continually updated to provide you with other sources for material and the means to jump to other sites. We intend to stick to the facts and make as many original documents available as possible.
This volume of the Jewish Virtual Library is the Online version of the book Myths & Facts, which covers many of the myths that have been perpetrated about the history of Israel and the Middle East and sets the record straight with the true facts.
The purpose of this website is to give people the tools and information they need to properly combat the assault on democracy and on the free market economy by the Divest-from-Israel campaign, whose goal is to destroy Israel's economy. The divestment campaign is being sponsored by Palestinian groups as a form of economic terrorism, and stands in violation of US laws to prevent foreign countries from imposing their foreign policy on the US.
Caravan for Democracy drives constructive dialogue on college campuses throughout the United States by bringing speakers from Israel who represent a spectrum of political and philosophical thought to discuss the challenges Israel faces as the only democracy in the Middle East. Caravan for Democracy provides access to resources and opinions to encourage critical thinking about the issues affecting Israel, how it is covered in the media, and Israel's unique role in the region. Caravan for Democracy is sponsored by Jewish National Fund, Media Watch International, and Hamagshimim.
TruthAboutIsrael is an American non-political nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing you facts not reported in the mass media. Israel is a tiny country, but its contributions around the world are big: daring rescues, life-saving medical treatments, the spread of democracy, the battle against terror. Most of these contributions go unnoticed by TV, but not by the people affected by them. The website features young people relating these stories, each supplied with links to verifying sources.
Prism Group gets the facts about the Middle East and sheds light on the them. They welcome others to join the effort to bring light and peace to an area of the world so long lost in the darkness of war and terror.
The European Union, and European governments and organizations, are deeply engaged in providing financial aid to the Palestinian Authority. This has led to two extremely serious problems. One is the continuing problem of hate-centered education under the auspices of the Palestinian Authority. The other is the diversion of funds from their intended and much needed purposes to the nurturing and financing of corruption and terror.
Join the Boycott of the Los Angeles Times
They monitor anti-Israel propaganda from the Los Angeles Times and provide boycotters, would-be boycotters, and interested persons a forum in which to share their views. They are centered on the West Coast but also monitor anti-Israel propaganda from around the US and the rest of the world.
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